
Połącz w logiczne pary

Połącz W Logiczne Pary class=
Połącz W Logiczne Pary class=
Połącz W Logiczne Pary class=
Połącz W Logiczne Pary class=

Odpowiedź :

Zadanie polega na połączeniu fragmentów zdań tak, by miały one sens i były poprawne gramatycznie.

to have apologies from Susan

to send your apologies

to be able to make it today

to give an overview of

a quick overview of the situation

to make a point here

to deal with interruptions

to lower your voice

to come back to you in a moment

to keep a meeting in track

to be on the agenda

to be outside the scope of our meeting

to get back on track

to stick to the main subject

to ask for clarification

to put an issue to a vote

to wind things up here

to have a quick show of hands

to be a bit pressed for time

to let the discussion run over time