
Complete the STATEMENTS and QUESTIONS with the most suitable future form. Write your answers in the answer slots below.

Complete The STATEMENTS And QUESTIONS With The Most Suitable Future Form Write Your Answers In The Answer Slots Below class=

Odpowiedź :

  1. Will you marry me? [Future Simple]
  2. Are we going to order some coffee before we get the bill? [Be going to]
  3. Why aren't you going to the Canaries again this year? [Be going to]
  4. If there's enough time, will you ask him to explain? [Future Simple]
  5. It's cold in here, isn't it? I'll close the window. [Future Simple]
  6. Don't worry! I'll catch you if you fall! [Future Simple]
  7. „Have you seen Flash?” „No, but i'm seeing it this evening”. [Present Continuous]

W zadaniu użyliśmy czasów Future Simple, Present Continuous oraz konstrukcji 'be going to'.

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