
Zadanie 6

Znajdź błędy w zdaniach i je popraw

a. I always go sailing during summer.
b. I have to go now. I must be home until 6 p.m.
c. I couldn't decide which dress to buy, so at the end I got both.
d. We go to the cinema in every month.
e. He won his first competition in the age of 12.
f. I promise I won't lie to you from now on.
g. A month by now I'll be relaxing on the beach.
h. I've known I wanted to be a doctor from I was five.
i. The main protagonist is killed on the very end of the story.
j. You're just in time. The boss is looking for you.

Proszę o wyjaśnienie jeśli to możliwe dlaczego akurat tak a nie inaczej ma być

Odpowiedź :


a. I always go sailing in the summer.

b. I have to go now. I must be home before 6 p.m.

c. I couldn't decide which dress to buy, so ultimately I got both.

d. We go to the cinema in every month. ( Należy opuścić in. )

e. He won his first competition at the age of 12.

f. I promise I won't lie to you from now on. ( Całe zdanie jest poprawne! )

g. A month from now I'll be relaxing on the beach.

h. I've known I wanted to be a doctor from the age of five.

i. The main protagonist is killed at the very end of the story.

j. You're just on time. The boss is looking for you.


Ma być akurat tak, a nie inaczej ponieważ takie są wyrażenia (zwroty). Po polsku jest tak samo. Na przykład:

Spędziłyśmy razem miły wieczór. (A nie, spędziłyśmy razem przez miły wieczór.)

Jechałam autobusem. ( A nie jechałam na autobusie.)

  1. I always go sailing during the summer. [Jeśli używamy 'during' należy użyć 'the' article przed porą roku]
  2. I have to go now. I must be home by 6 p.m. [Until jest niepoprawne językowo]
  3. I couldn't decide which dress to buy, so in the end / eventually I got both.
  4. We go to the cinema every month. [bez in]
  5. He won his first competition at the age of twelve.
  6. I promise not to lie to you from now on. [Zdanie wyjściowe jest poprawne, to jest moja alternatywa]
  7. A month from now I'll be relaxing on the beach.
  8. I've known I wanted to be a doctor since / ever since I was 5.
  9. The main protagonist is killed at the very end of the story.
  10. You're just on time. The boss was about to be looking for you.

Moja odpowiedź jest alternatywą dla odpowiedzi @0AB, jeśli było to możliwe dodawałem inną wersję.

Przykłady, które nie wymagały wyjaśnienia nie mają tekstu zawartego w nawiasach.

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