Pomoże mi ktoś z tym zadaniem? Na szybko! klasa 1 liceum
Daje 40p. ❤

Najpierw krótko opisujesz:
In the picture on the left, I can see... (opisujesz co lub kto jest na obrazku, gdzie jest, co robi i jak się czuje )
np. I can see a teahcer with chidren. I think that this woman is taking care of them as her temporary job. They are having fun and playing together.
In the picture on the right, there are... (tak samo opisujesz co lub kto jest na obrazku, gdzie jest, co robi i jak się czuje )
np. In the picture on the right, there are 2 people in the centre. They are collecting litter on the beach. I think that they try to save the World having a lot of fun.
Możesz jeszczcze dodać pare zdań
np. In the background, we can see- w tle widzimy...
Odpowiadasz potem na pytania:
1. I think that such kinds of holidays are not so popular in Poland. People prefer to go to the seaside to relax on the sun lounger as a holiday rather than work.
2. Moving on to the next question, On a holiday like this, you can learn a lot. You can gain a lot of experience, meet new people who have the same interest, get to know other environments and cultures. This can be very beneficial for your future life.
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam. Liczę na naj :))