PLS NA SZYBKO!!! Będę bardzo wdzięczna jak ktoś mi odpowie

2. Its half past nine.
3. It's two o'clock.
4. It's (a) quarter to eleven.
5. It's ten past five.
6. It's twenty to seven.
7. It's twenty-five past three.
8. It's one o'clock.
9. It's ten to six.
10. It's (a) quarter past eight.
11. It's half past ten.
12. It's five to four.
past - po (danej godzinie)
to - do (danej godziny)
half past - nasze wpół do, ale pamiętajmy,że to jest angielskie 'pół (godziny) po' :)
(a) quarter - kwadrans