Odpowiedź :
1. During the Christmas break first I was at home.
2. We had a Christmas Eve at my house.
3. There were plenty of people from my family.
4. Even my uncle from England visited us this Christmas.
5. I missed him a lot.
6. We had Christmas dinner and sang carols.
7. Everyone got a present - I got a new phone.
8. That was the best gift ever!
10. We ate 12 dishes and then we watched 'Kevin home alone' which is a tradition in our house.
11. In Christmas Day I visited my aunt in Lublin.
12. I got there with my family of course.
13. I like this city as it's really beautiful and has many interesting places to visit.
14. My aunt showed me the old castle and the main square of the city.
15. Then we went to her house and had a delicious meal.
16. My aunt's daughter, Ola, is one of my favourite family members.
17. We visited a local disco together.
18. I met there many interesting people, mainly Ola's friends.
19. After the disco, we moved to the local bar when we ate pizza.
20. It was delicious - lots of cheese and meat.
21. My favourite!
22. Next day I and my family visited our uncle which lives nearby.
23. We had meal together and then I went on the skate ring which was really closed.
24. I love ice skating.
25. Unfortunately I fell down and we needed to go to the local hospital.
26. It appeared that I broke my arm.
27. I got a bandage and I still have it.
28. It hurt but it's better now.
29. I guess that was one of the best Christmas breaks ever.
30. I love visiting my family.