
Write an email with your entry for the competition. In your email to the magazine:
-introduce this person and write why he/she is so special for you.
-give some information about his/her chillhood.
-write briefly about his/her later life.
-mention some of his/her talents and gratest achivements

Odpowiedź :



How have you been?

I'm writing cause i meet someone special to me, a girl named Tiffany, she's really awesome! Actually she's pretty smart and she has many medals from math contests.

Tiffany is introvert but when you talk to her she can show you her inteligence and her funny jokes! I've always known people whos nothing like her! Tiffany is just perfect ouside but in the inside of her heart is a long story about her childhood. As a kid she was really sad because kids make fun of her and bullied her only cause she was bigger than them, she was always fatter than other kids so she was crying in sadness. Her mom decided to change her school so she can meet new people, in summer she started the diet and she started running every single day for like 30 minutes so when the school started she was skinnier and made alot of friends! When she's been telling me the story i thought im gonna cry but she cheer me up cause now she lives happy life!

Tell me your opinion about her! See ya!