
zad 5 str 45 klasa 5 English Class A1+
Treść: In your notebook, complete the questions with the correct prepositions. The ask and answer in pairs.

1. Are you interested (...) space ?
2. Are you good (...) taking selfies ?
3. Are you excited (...) the holidays ?
4. Are you scared (...) spiders ?
5. Are you worried (...) your exams ?
6. Are you bed (...) computer games ?

Odpowiedź :

1. in

(interested in - zainteresowany)

2. at

(good at - dobry w)

3. about

(excited about - podekscytowany z powodu)

4. of

(scared of - przestraszony przez)

5. about

(worried about - zmartwiony z powodu)

6. at

(bad at - zły w)