Przeczytaj tekst. Dla każdego pytania zdecyduj, która opcja jest nieprawidłowa.
*tekst w załączniku*
1. The Tenner competition is for
a) teenagers from Britain.
b) people who want to make a lot of money quickly.
c) young people who would like to help others.
2. After four weeks
a) you must give the original money back to the bank.
b) you can invest your money again.
c) you must give some of your money to charity.
3. People in the Tenner scheme
a) usually make T-shirts.
b) cqn try their skills in different areas.
c) make different amounts of profit.
4. The students from Sheffield
a) had one of the most successful buisnesses.
b) were too young to do successfyl business.
c) decided to invest most of their money again.
5. The two teenagers who set up 'Mobile Madness'
a) found it difficult to make money.
b) were from the same school.
c) had a suprising idea for their business.