Zrob kros pls. Stronna bierna. Daje naj i duzo pkt.

40 Twenty five students will be admitted this year.
41 Why weren't the curtains washed before they were hung?
42 They cannot be disturbed now, chess is being played (by them) at the moment.
43 He was being laughed at all the time.
44 I wasn't introduced to his mother-in-law.
45 This book was printed in Poland.
46 Have the flowers been bought yet?
47 Nothing will be said to her.
48 Someone's wallet was left on the window sill yesterday. It was found by me.
49 These pipes are made of wood.
50 It may be brought (by him) the day after tomorrow.
51 All the details were not given to me, I was expected to know them.
52 He was sent to prison some ten years ago.