
Artykuł Angielski
temat: W Twojej miejscowości odbyła się kampania „Smart Stop”, która miała zwrócić uwagę na problem, jakim jest korzystanie z telefonów komórkowych przez uczestników ruchu”
artykuł ma zawierać 200-250 słów

Odpowiedź :

The recently finished "Smart Stop" campaign involved many people. Most of them are beyond happy that they participated in such an important work and that they contributed to changing the world for the better. The local media are also full of praise for the mission accomplished, pointing out its extremely important aspect and the contribution made to raising awareness among road users.

However, it is important to take a closer look and consider whether this is really as it is portrayed by the participants and the laudatory epistles in the media.

The data shows that practically the only participants were people who do not use mobile phones when they are on the street anyway. So it turns out that a big campaign was made, on which public money was obviously spent, and the recipients were those who did not need it at all because they apply all the principles the campaign was supposed to convince them of. So it is a great success that the campaign persuaded those who did not use phones to not use them anyway.

And those who do use phones remained outside the campaign's influence. Nobody reached them at all, or maybe they didn't notice it because they had their eyes focused only on the phone screen. But the most important thing is that the Pythus victory was announced to all.