potrzebuje pilnie z angielskiego 2 zadania
Napisz swoją autobiografie

My autobiography will be rather ordinary and even commonplace. My youth passed quickly, like a running predator chasing the game, ready to catch it as soon as possible in order to satisfy its lust for food.
I was born in a small town, situated on the Odra river. I started my adventure with education at the age of 5 when I started to attend a municipal kindergarten located near my house on the same estate. After finishing this stage of education, it was time for new challenges, which I took up and bravely set off to join the ranks of primary school pupils. I have fond recollections of this period because of its carefree nature and the lack of major responsibilities other than taking out the rubbish every day. When the time for junior high school came, I did not even notice the passing years and so I found myself in high school. In the first grade, dreaming of past adventures and devoting myself to games, I neglected my studies and had to repeat them. Discouraged by the first failure I decided that there was no point in studying so much and unexpectedly the next year turned out to be unsuccessful as well. It was then that I discovered my passion for cleaning and machine maintenance and I transferred to a vocational school. I enjoyed the cleaning machines, the sound and the power of them.
After leaving school, I saw my youth come to an end and adult life opened its arms welcoming me with my first job. It was a great job, from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. every morning I could clean as much as I wanted, without any restrictions. I cleaned corridors and pavements, sewers and rooms, wherever I wanted I immediately rushed to, urged by the desire to clean. Admittedly, the boss did not reward me very generously, but what is money compared to the satisfaction. I worked as much as I could and I was always proud of my work and my achievements and career, because I started as a simple cleaner and ended as a senior cleaner.