
ĆWICZENIE IV Uzupełnij zdania według wzoru: Wzór: If it's fine tomorrow, we'll go for a walk. And what will you do if it isn't fine tomorrow?
1. If I pass this exam, I'll study at Oxford.
And what will you do ... ?
2. If John meets us at the station, he'll drive us to the hotel.
And what shall we do... ?
3. I'll stay a fortnight if I can find a room.
And what will you do ... ?
4. If we get a lift, we'll be in time!
And what will happen ... ?
5. I'll have enough money to pay for our holiday if my boss pays me tonight.
And what shall we do ... ? ..
6. Christine will let us in if she is at home. And what shall we do ... ?
prosze o szybka i poprawna odpowiedz ❤️❤️​

Odpowiedź :



1. If I pass this exam, I'll study at Oxford.

And what will you do if you don't pass this exam ?

2. If John meets us at the station, he'll drive us to the hotel.

And what shall we do if John doesn't meet us at the station ?

3. I'll stay a fortnight if I can find a room.

And what will you do if you don't find a room ?

4. If we get a lift, we'll be on time!

And what will happen if we aren't on time ?

5. I'll have enough money to pay for our holiday if my boss pays me tonight.

And what shall we do if your boss doesn't pay you tonight ?

6. Christine will let us in if she is at home.

And what shall we do if she isn't at home?

Używając pierwszego okresu warunkowego mówimy o wydarzeniu w przyszłości, które ma realną szansę, żeby się wydarzyć.

Konstrukcja zdania oznajmującego w pierwszym okresie warunkowym:

If  + podmiot + Present Simple,  podmiot +  will + czasownik w formie podstawowej + reszta zdania


Podmiot +  will + czasownik w formie podstawowej   if + podmiot +  Present Simple  + reszta zdania

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