
Uzupełnij zdania.Wykorzystaj podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie i - jeśli to konieczne - dodaj inne wyrazy.W każdą lukę możesz wpisać do pięciu wyrazów.

1.The most convenient coach is the one which __________ (leave/8/Mondays).
2.I’m afraid I can’t go to your driving test with you.Next Monday at 10 ________ (I/work).
3.Don’t plan the presentation for six o’clock. ___________ (most people/leave) by then and the office will be empty.
4.Peter has agreed to help me and he _________ (give/I/lift) tonight.
5.When ________ (you/start) dating again? It’s about time!
6.Can you imagine that on their anniversary in June my parents _________ (be/married) thirty years!
7.__________ (all of you/go) to the reunion this Saturday?
8.I promise I ________ (email/you) every day while I’m away.

*jest to zadanie z czasów future continous i future perfect; future tenses