
POTRZEBUJE NA TERAZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I. Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać zdania poprawne gramatycznie. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy.

1. We have to ……………… (napełnić) our car with petrol.
2. When I …………….. (zachorowałam) a cold last time my mum asked me to stay in bed.
3. Next week we ………………. (wystawimy) a play about Romeo and Juliet.
4. The tickets for the concert …………….. (wyprzedały się) very quickly.
5. He …………… (przeszedł obok mnie) without saying anything.
6. What are you doing? I ………………….. (szukam) my glasses.

II. Zdecyduj, czy przed podanymi rzeczownikami stawiamy przedimek nieokreślony A czy AN.

1. … university
2. … factory
3. … post office
4. … ambulance
5. … theatre
6. … utility room

III. W podanych dialogach wybierz właściwą opcję.

1. X: Can you tell me where the theatre is?
Y: Yes, you have to go ACROSS / OVER the bridge and it’s next to the shopping mall.
2. X: How do I get to the post office?
Y: You just keep going and then, TAKE / TURN the second right.
3. X: Where should I go to GET ON / CROSS the bus to the hospital?
Y: Just turn right at the police station. The bus stop if over there.
4. X: Where do I TAKE / GET OFF the bus for the St. John’s High School?
Y: It is the next stop.
5. X: How do we find the way to the museum?
Y: We just have to GET ON / FOLLOW the map. We’ll be fine.
6. X: Where is the nearest chemist’s?
Y: You must follow the road until you GET TO / GET ON the Oak Street. It’s there.

IV. Uzupełnij zdania określnikami THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE.

1. Are ………… your books here on the desk?
2. Do you think we will be late today? Look ….. road has a lot of traffic today.
3. Is …….. boy over there in your class?
4. Can you see ……. posters on the building over there?
5. We can sit in this cafe. ………….. chairs here are free.
6. It’s so beautiful here. …… park is my favourite place in my town

Odpowiedź :


I. Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać zdania poprawne gramatycznie. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy.

1. We have to …TOP UP…………… (napełnić) our car with petrol.

2. When I ……GOT ILL……….. (zachorowałam) a cold last time my mum asked me to stay in bed.

3. Next week we …WILL PUT ON……………. (wystawimy) a play about Romeo and Juliet.

4. The tickets for the concert ……SOLD OUT……….. (wyprzedały się) very quickly.

5. He ……PASSED BY ME……… (przeszedł obok mnie) without saying anything.

6. What are you doing? I ……AM LOOKING FOR…………….. (szukam) my glasses.

II. Zdecyduj, czy przed podanymi rzeczownikami stawiamy przedimek nieokreślony A czy AN.

1. A… university

2. …A factory

3. …A post office

4. …AN ambulance

5. …A  theatre

6. …A utility room

III. W podanych dialogach wybierz właściwą opcję.

1. X: Can you tell me where the theatre is?

Y: Yes, you have to go ACROSS / OVER the bridge and it’s next to the shopping mall.

2. X: How do I get to the post office?

Y: You just keep going and then, TAKE / TURN the second right.

3. X: Where should I go to GET ON / CROSS the bus to the hospital?

Y: Just turn right at the police station. The bus stop if over there.

4. X: Where do I TAKE / GET OFF the bus for the St. John’s High School?

Y: It is the next stop.

5. X: How do we find the way to the museum?

Y: We just have to GET ON / FOLLOW the map. We’ll be fine.

6. X: Where is the nearest chemist’s?

Y: You must follow the road until you GET TO / GET ON the Oak Street. It’s there.

IV. Uzupełnij zdania określnikami THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE.

1. Are ……THESE…… your books here on the desk?

2. Do you think we will be late today? Look …THIS.. road has a lot of traffic today.

3. Is …THAT….. boy over there in your class?

4. Can you see …THOSE…. posters on the building over there?

5. We can sit in this cafe. …THESE……….. chairs here are free.

6. It’s so beautiful here. THIS…… park is my favourite place in my town
