
5 Do odpowiedzi poniżej dopasuj pytania
z dw. 4.
Yes, he has. He came hrst in a painting
competition a few years ago
b Yes, she has. She sends me jokes all
the time,
Yes, I have. I organised one last year
and it was fun!
d No, I haven't, but I've visited New
e No, I haven't. I think it's a boring sport,
f No, she hasn't. She isn't a good cook,
6 Napisz zdania mówiące o swoich
doświadczeniach życiowych, używając słowa

Dziekuje za pomoc tej osobie​

5 Do Odpowiedzi Poniżej Dopasuj Pytaniaz Dw 4Yes He Has He Came Hrst In A Paintingcompetition A Few Years Agob Yes She Has She Sends Me Jokes Allthe TimeYes I H class=

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