
napisz 8 konwersacji z hormonami i radami po angielsku np.Whats the matter? Ive hot a cold and a headache. You need a painkiller​

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What's the matter? to pytanie dasz na początku każdego dialogu

1. - I'm suffering from PMS.

- Poor thing, try not to talk to anybody for some time.

2. - I've got hyperthyroidism

- You must see a doctor

3. - I've been very moody recently

- You should do test to determine your TSH level.

4. - I'm afraid my menopause has already started.

- Some medicine can help, try to consult it.

6. - Lucy is reaching puberty, it's hard.

- Try to avoid conflicts and difficult conversations with her.

7. - I've got problems with my pancreas because of the changing hormones level.

-  You need to see a good doctor to keep them under control.

8. Adam is allergic to a lot of things and I'm so worried.

- Don't panic. Corticosteroids can be helpful in many cases.

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