

1    Uzupełnij nazwy.


1   agencja turytyczna - t r a v e l   a g e n t’ s

2       kwiaciarnia – f _ _ _ _ s _’ _

3.      warzywniak – _ r _ _ _ g _ _ _ _ _’ _

4.      piekarnia – b _ _ _ _’ _

5.      fryzjer – _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ s _ _’ _

6.      poczta – p _ _ _   o _ _ _ _ _




2   Dopasuj nazwy sklepów z ramki A do artykułów, które można w nich kupić z ramki B.


Shoe shop





Electrical store



a radio

a magazine



a sausage

a tomato



1   ____shoe shop – boots____

2 _______________________

3 _______________________

4 _______________________

5 _______________________

6 _______________________




3    Popatrz na tabelę z informacjami o planach na weekend Tima i Eve. Uzupełnij zdania formą twierdzącą lub przeczącą going to i właściwym czasownikiem.






play               football



go               swimming



meet               friends



watch              TV
























1   Tim ___is going to play___ football.

2   Eve __________________ football.

3   Tim and Eve __________________ swimming.

4   Tim and Eve __________________ friends.

5   Tim __________________ TV.

6       Eve                                       TV.




4. Wstaw will lub won’t i podany czasownik.

1   Don’t worry, he __won’t be__ angry with you. (not be)

2   They __________ me any money. (not lend)

3   Put your coat on. You __________ cold. (get)

4   I __________ your CDs tomorrow. I promise. (not forget)

5   We __________ you with your homework. (help)

6   Hurry up! The train __________ for us. (not wait)



5. Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki.


going    will   won’t     ‘m not going to    ‘ll   ‘m going to

Tom  What are you 1_________going_________ to do tomorrow?

Phil   I 2_______________________ clean my bike. It’s very dirty.

Tom  I 3_______________________ help you. I’m sure it 4_______________________ take long. Oh, wait, I can’t this weekend.

Phil   Why?

Tom  I 5_______________________ be here. It’s my cousin’s wedding.

Phil   Oh, right. Well, don’t worry. I think my dad
6_______________________ help me.




6. Ponumeruj kwestie dialogu we właściwej kolejności.

Assistant:  Of course. The changing rooms are over there.           Does  it fit?       __

Assistant: The coats are here, near the skirts.       __

Assistant: OK. That’s £64.99, please.       __

Carla :  Excuse me. I’m looking for a coat.       1

Carla :    Yes, they do. I’d like to buy them.       __

Carla        :        OK. Can I try on the blue ones?       _



7. 7. Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij jego streszczenie.




Many people now 1shop______ online. A lot of things are 2c__________ online, and it is
3e__________ to buy things from our living rooms. Many shops that were successful have 4c__________ because their prices were high. People will go to 5s__________in twenty years because they like to try on 6c__________ and talk to shop assistants.





8     Posłuchaj nagrania i oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe (T) lub fałszywe (F).


1   Rosie got lots of money for her birthday.         T

2   Rosie’s birthday was on Thursday.  __

3   They are going to go to a sports shop.         __​

Odpowiedź :


Zad. 1.

1. travel agent's

2. florist's

3. greengrocer's

4. baker's

5. hairdresser's

6. post office

Zad. 2.

1. Shoe shop - boots

2. Greengrocer's - a tomato

3. Butcher's - a sausage

4. Newsagent's - a magazine

5. Chemist's - medicine

6. Electrical store - a radio

Zad. 3.

1. Tim is going to play football.

2. Eve isn't going to play football.

3. Tim and Eve aren't going to go swimming.

4. Tim and Evie are going to meet friends.

5. Tim isn't going to watch TV.

6. Eve is going to watch TV.

Zad. 4.

1. Don't worry, he won't be angry with you.

2. They won't lend me any money.

3. Put your coat on. You will get cold.

4. I won't forget your CDs tomorrow. I promise.

5. We will help you with your homework.

6. Hurry up! The train won't wait for us.

Zad. 5.

Tom What are you 1) going to do tomorrow.

Phil 2) I'm going to clean my bike. it's very dirty.

Tom  3) I'll help you. I'm sure it 4) won't take long. Oh, wait, I can't this weekend.

Phil Why?

Tom I 5) won't be there. It's my cousin wedding.

Phil Oh, right. Well, don't worry. I whink my dad 6) will help me.

Zad. 6.

1. Carla :  Excuse me. I’m looking for a coat.  

2. Assistant: The coats are here, near the skirts.

3. Carla: OK. Can I try on the blue ones?

4. Assistant:  Of course. The changing rooms are over there. Does  it fit?

5. Carla :    Yes, they do. I’d like to buy them.  

6. Assistant: OK. That’s £64.99, please.

Zadania 7 nie mogę zrobić, bo nie widzę tekstu. 8 też, bo niestety nie mam nagrania. Mam nadzieję, że i tak pomogłam:*

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