
Cwiczenie 34
Ulóż pytania dotyczące Johna i udziel na nie odpowiedzi. Uzyi...used to" i
podanych wyrażeń.
*study hard work hard
*live with his parents have his own house
*take the bus to university drive to work in his car
*wear jeans and pullovers *wear suits
*shop at discount stores *shop at expensive stores
Przykład: A: Did John use to work hard?
B: No, he didn't. He used to study hard.
1) A: ....
B; .....
2) A: ....
B: ....
3) A: ....
B: .....
4) A: ....
B: ......​

Odpowiedź :


1) A: Did John use to live with his parents?

B: No, he didn't. He used to have his own house.

2) A: Did John use to take the bus to university?

B: No, he didn't. He used to drive to work in his car.

3) A: Did John use to wear jeans and pullovers?

B: No, he didn't. He used to wear suits.

4) A: Did John use to shop at discount stores?

B: No, he didn't. He used to shop at expensive stores.