
W zdaniach 1–5, spośród podanych opcji wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment. Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 Jake is almost as tall as his sister. 2 Could you say that again, please?
a is about the same height a Sorry?
b isn’t quite as short b Repeat!
c is taller than c Again!

3 They say he moved house. 4 The trip was so amazing
a He is said to move that we recommended it to all our friends.
b He is said to be moving a It was a very amazing trip
c He is said to have moved b It was such an amazing trip
c The trip was amazing enough

5 May I open the window?
a Do you mind if
b Are you in favour of
c Do you approve of​