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Zadanie 7
Przeczytaj teksty. W zadaniach 7.1 -7.2. z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstów. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

Teksty do 7.1
Guys, I've got the greeting card for Ms Stuart. Sue will get the flowers. Let's meet at 7.30 in front of the school to sign the card and prepare the suprise. Ted.

Dear parents,
I've booked the tickets, so we're going to the theatre on Thursday. Our class only. Ms Collins is going with us. Please remind the kids to take their IDs, two bus tickets and perhaps a snack to eat during the break. Thank you.
Ms Stuart

7.1 Both texts are about
A. dealing with teenage problems.
B. meeting a new teacher.
C. organising an event.

Tekst do 7.2
Mick, you're my last hope. I've bought a new printer and I've been trying to install it for the last two hours. I give up. Perhaps I need some software? I thought maybe you could come and do something to make it work, please? Thx. Jane

7.2 Jane is asking Mick to
A. Buy a new printer.
B. help her solve a problem.
C. get some software.