
Pomocy. Na już. Choose one of the pictures IT illustrates the health problem you are going to write about write an email to a friend and tell him her about How you feel. Use the questions to help you. 1.what is the matter with you? 2.what are yuor symptoms? 3.what is the doctor advice(what you must and mustn't do) tam są rysunki ból głowy ból zęba i można jedna chorobę wybrać. ​

Odpowiedź :

Hey Mike

Sorry for not writing to you for a while, but I really feel bad right now. I mean, I'm sick.

I was in hospital yesterday. Doctor tells me that it's not very serious. I've just had too much stress for a few days. My head was like a ticking bomb... It hurts like... I don't know... Someone punching me by big hammer. Doctor told me some advices. He said that I have to think less, lay and chill some days, take an aspirin and drink a lot of water. I can't watch netflix too!! Horrible!!

I'll be fine don't mind me.

I'll write you when I'll be healthy again.

Tell me what's up in your beautiful cottage. How do you feel? I hope you're healthy!

I'm waiting for your answer.
