
napisz widomość do kolegi, który się przeziębił w której: wyrazisz
współczucie, zapytasz go jak się czuje, poradzisz mu, co powinien zrobić,
żeby wyjść z choroby. limit słów od 50-120

Odpowiedź :


Hey Patrick, I'm sorry you caught a cold, but don't worry, you'll definitely get out of it. I have a question, do you feel better than not to drink hot tea with ginger. I used to have a cold, my mother made this tea for me and I felt better. You missed a lot when you didn't go to school, there was a trip to the trampoline park and then we went to the restaurant, it was really great in the trampoline park there were trampolines everywhere, even on the walls next to the trampolines there was a ball pool you could jump on the trampoline into the pool or slide down high slide. And we had spaghetti in the restaurant, it was really fun. What a pity you were not there.

best regards

Mam na dzieję że pomogłam.