ANONYMEON ANONYMEON Język angielski Rozwiązane POMOCY!! Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Polar bears are ____________________ (dangerous) than beavers. I think cats are ____________________ (bad) pets than dogs. In my opinion, dolphins are the ________ _______________ (interesting) animals in the world. Owls aren’t as ____________________ (big) as ostriches. Africa is ____________________ (hot) than Europe. The giraffe is the ____________________ (tall) mammal in the world. 5 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi zaimkami dzierżawczymi. A: I think it is Ben’s copybook. B: Yes, it must be _____. This black bag isn’t _____. I’ve got a blue one. The new games console is for Robert and Tom. It’s _____. This smartphone is for you. It’s _____now. A: Are these Martha’s glasses? B: Yes, they’re _____. This bike is for me and my sister. It’s _____.