
Z podanych trzech możliwości wybierz i podkreśl właściwą. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź
otrzymasz 1 punkt.
PRZYKŁAD: I’m trying to study. Could you turn the radio in / down / over?
1. Ellen was sure she hasn’t locked / didn’t lock / hadn’t locked the door.
2. Lisa invited a dozen guests to her party but neither / no / none turned up.
3. That can’t / mustn’t / may not be David. He hasn’t got a car.
4. Although / Despite / In spite the delay, the train arrived on time.
5. One boxer hit the other one really hardly / harder / hard right on the chin.
6. Helen is going to be late, isn’t it / isn’t she / doesn’t she?
7. They say that a / the / --- love of a mother for her child is the strongest kind.
8. Look at Rita’s hair. They’re / It’s / Its green!
9. The couple whose / whom / which house I bought both worked in my office.
10. There are very small houses at / on / in this side of the street.
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