ALEX260110ON ALEX260110ON Język angielski Rozwiązane (3) Repetytorium Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz krótko na pytania. Pamiętaj: naglówki pomogą ci odszukać odpowiedzi w tekście. 1 How do some people fool when they move to a new school? When they move to a new school, somo people feel scared. (??)2 How do you find out what to do and where to go in the first few days? To find out what to do and where to go you can (???)3 What non sport after-school activitios can you do? Apart from sports, you can (???)4 How can you find out about good places near your new school? To find out about good places, you can ??5 What do you do if you want to make friends? If you want to make friends you (??)