
Tu jest tekst z matury chcialbym wiedzieć czemu w przykladzie 1 i 6 jest źle jakieś wytłumaczenie.

BACKPACKING According to Richard Pope, backpacking around Europe can be a very exciting experience. He makes a claim, however, that a backpacking trip is not to be taken lightly and a good deal of pre-planning is necessary. Richard has offered to give some useful advice for anyone considering backpacking, especially if they s are undertaking it for the first time.
Make your plans in advance and try to decide which places you want to see before you leave. Although it might be exciting to wake up one morning and say, "I think I want to travel to Rome today" it could present some problems with finding a place to stay. During the summer months, when the great European 10 cities are packed with tourists, it can be difficult to find suitable accommodation, especially as you will be in an unfamiliar place. Be prepared to live without the usual comforts for a while. For those of you who are used to living a comfortable lifestyle, a European backpacking tour can be a challenge. Even in the big cities, you are likely to end up in a hotel room without 15 its own personal bathroom. Furthermore, you may find yourself having to sleep on trains and having to go a day or two without showering.
In addition to this, you will probably have problems in situations where you find it difficult to communicate with the locals, so remember to pack a phrase book, just in case! As long as you can accept this lifestyle for a few weeks, you should be okay. the way. Richard Travel with others if you can, and meet new people travelled alone once and although it had its advantages - as he says, he didn't have to answer to anyone and could do what he wanted when he wanted - he found that being with others was safer and more interesting. It's not much fun seeing the sights and eating out when you're alone. It's not too hard to meet other 25 tourists when you're backpacking. You will come across hundreds of them on the trains, at the sights and in the youth hostels. The more challenging task, though, is mixing with the residents. And you truly get the chance to experience and feel the local culture if you manage to do this. I suggest you should be brave enough to visit not just the popular tourist spots, 30 but make time to see other things. Stop at traditional taverns and cafes that are not crowded with tourists. Being ready to go to places where others rarely reach and explore the unknown will give you a chance to taste the local flavours and fully enjoy a backpacking trip. ​

Tu Jest Tekst Z Matury Chcialbym Wiedzieć Czemu W Przykladzie 1 I 6 Jest Źle Jakieś WytłumaczenieBACKPACKING According To Richard Pope Backpacking Around Europ class=

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W punkcie 1. odpowiedź C. Na podstawie zdania

He makes a claim, however, that a backpacking trip is not to be taken lightly and a good deal of pre-planning is necessary.

W tekście nie ma nic co mogłoby sugerować którąś z pozostałych odpowiedzi.

W punkcie 6. aby była odpowiedź C musiałoby być w którymś miejscu tekstu stwierdzenie, że on to lubi (enjoy, like, love), ale nie ma. Tak samo nie ma nic o byciu studentem B, ani o byciu przewodnikiem A. Tak więc pasuje (jest prawidłowa) odpowiedź D.