
(2) Popraw błędy w wytłuszczonych wyrazach.

1 Penicillin was designed by Alexander Fleming.

2 The first paper made in China.

was made

3 Houses have made of stone for thousands of years

have been made

4 A lot of motorway bridges are made of plastic.

5 Do you ever steam movies?

6 My brother wasn't log off from the computer.

Odpowiedź :

Polecenie: Należy poprawić błędy.


1. Penicillin was designed by Alexander Fleming. 

2. The first paper was made in China.

3. Houses have been made of stone for thousands of years.

4. A lot of motorway bridges are made out of plastic. 

5. Do you ever stream movies?

6. My brother wasn't logged off from the computer. 


1. Penicylinę stworzył Alexander Fleming.

2. Pierwszy papier powstał w Chinach.

3. Domy budowane są z kamienia od tysięcy lat.

4. Wiele mostów autostradowych jest wykonanych z plastiku.

5. Czy kiedykolwiek streamujesz filmy?

6. Mój brat był wylogowany z komputera.