
Czy taka recenzja filmu nada się na poprawę sierpniową i czy jest poprawnie napisana?
One of my favourite films is The Hunger Games. It's an American film.
Its premiere was on 23th march 2012 in Poland.

This is an ction-adventure film about young girl who was selected as a tribute. She and her friend took part in death and life game.

I really liked the acting in this film and the special effects were excellent. My favourite characters were Katniss and Gale that is Jenifer Laxrence and Liam Hemsworth who is my favourite actor.

Odpowiedź :


Moim zdaniem tak, wszystko jest napisane i nie trzeba nic dopisywać.

kilka takich kosmetycznych rzeczy:

  • Its premiere in Poland was on 23th March 2012.

Inaczej to zdanie bedzie znaczyc, ze premiera miala miejsce pierwszy raz w Polsce, a przeciez miala miejsce wczesniej w USA.

  • This is an action-adventure film about young girl who was selected as a tribute. She and her friend took part in the death and life game.

  • I really liked the acting in this film and the special effects were excellent. My favourite characters were Katniss and Gale who were played by Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth, who is my favourite actor.

Bez przecinka bylby tutaj blad, bo wtedy IS bedzie odnosic sie do Jennifer i Liama, a z przecinkiem zaznaczamy, ze chodzi tylko o Liama.

who were played by  = ktorzy byli grani przez; to brzmi lepiej stylistycznie

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