
58 The future perfect tense
•PEG 216
Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect tense.
1 In a fortnight's time we (take) our exam.
2 I (finish) this book by tomorrow evening.
3 By this time tomorrow we (have) our injections.
4 By the end of next year I (be) here twenty-five years.
5 I'll still be here next summer but Tom (leave).
6 I (finish) this job in twenty minutes.
7 By next winter they (build) four houses in that field.
8 When we reach Valparaiso we (sail) all round the world.
9 At the rate he is going he (spend) all his money by the time he is
10 By this time next year I (save) £250.
11 By the time we get to the party everything (be) eaten.
12 The train (leave) before we reach the station.
13 If I continue with my diet I (lose) 10 kilos by the end of the month.
14 By the end of my university course I (attend) 1,200 lectures.
15 By the end of this week my illness (cost) me £100.
16 By the time that he leaves school his parents (spend) £25,000 on his
17 By the end of the term I (read) all twelve volumes.
18 When you come back I (finish) all the housework.
19 The police (hear) of the theft by this time.
20 We (drink) all that wine by the end of the year.
21 On the fourth of next month he (be) in prison for ten years.
22 When we reach Crewe we (do) half of the journey.
23 At this rate you (break) all the wine glasses by the end of the month.
24 If we don't hurry the sun (rise) before we reach the top.
25 I'm going to Hyde Park to hear the people making speeches. ~
You'll be too late. By the time you get there they (finish) their
speeches and everybody (go) home.
26 By midnight he (be) unconscious for forty-eight hours.
27 By the end of the month 5,000 people (see) this exhibition.
28 By next April I (pay) £3,000 in income tax.
29 I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all these old
houses (be) pulled down.
30 On 21 October they (be) married for twenty-five years.
31 After this performance I (see) Hamlet twenty-two times.
32 The strike leader said, 'By midnight 500 men (come) out on strike.'
the end of the month.
34 The treasurer said, 'By the end of the year all our debts (be paid)
33 At your present rate you (burn) all that coal
35 Tourist: We've only got five hours in Rome; we are leaving at six;
but I'm sure that we (see) everything of importance by then.
36 Householder to Zoo: One of your elephants is in my garden eating
my tomatoes.
Zoo official: The elephant keeper will be with you in half an hour.
Householder: Your elephant (eat) all my tomatoes by then.

Odpowiedź :

Zadanie polega na przekształceniu poniższych zdań z podanymi czasownikami w czasie Future Perfect.

Poprawne zdania:

1. In a fortnight's time we will have taken (take) our exam.

2. I will have finished (finish) this book by tomorrow evening.

3. By this time tomorrow we will have had (have) our injections.

4. By the end of next year I will have been (be) here twenty-five years.

5. I'll still be here next summer but Tom will have left (leave).

6. I will have finished (finish) this job in twenty minutes.

7. By next winter they will have built (build) four houses in that field.

8. When we reach Valparaiso we will have sailed (sail) all round the world.

9. At the rate he is going he will have spent (spend) all his money by the time he is twenty-one.

10. By this time next year I will have saved (save) £250.

11. By the time we get to the party everything will have been (be) eaten.

12. The train will have left (leave) before we reach the station.

13. If I continue with my diet I will have lost (lose) 10 kilos by the end of the month.

14. By the end of my university course I will have attended (attend) 1,200 lectures.

15. By the end of this week my illness will have costed (cost) me £100.

16. By the time that he leaves school his parents will have spent (spend) £25,000 on his


17. By the end of the term I will have read (read) all twelve volumes.

18. When you come back I will have finished (finish) all the housework.

19. The police will have heard (hear) of the theft by this time.

20. We will have drunk (drink) all that wine by the end of the year.

21. On the fourth of next month he will have been (be) in prison for ten years.

22. When we reach Crewe we will have done (do) half of the journey.

23. At this rate you will have broken (break) all the wine glasses by the end of the month.

24. If we don't hurry the sun will have risen (rise) before we reach the top.

25. I'm going to Hyde Park to hear the people making speeches. You'll be too late. By the time you get there they will have finished (finish) their speeches and everybody (go) home.

26. By midnight he will have been (be) unconscious for forty-eight hours.

27. By the end of the month 5,000 people will have seen (see) this exhibition.

28. By next April I will have paid (pay) £3,000 in income tax.

29. I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all these old

houses will have been (be) pulled down.

30. On 21 October they will have been (be) married for twenty-five years.

31. After this performance I will have seen (see) Hamlet twenty-two times.

32. The strike leader said, 'By midnight 500 men will have come (come) out on strike the end of the month.

33. At your present rate you will have burnt (burn) all that coal off.

34. The treasurer said, 'By the end of the year all our debts will have been paid. (be paid)

35. Tourist: We've only got five hours in Rome; we are leaving at six;

but I'm sure that we will have seen (see) everything of importance by then.

36. Householder to Zoo: One of your elephants is in my garden eating

my tomatoes.

Zoo official: The elephant keeper will be with you in half an hour.

Householder: Your elephant will have eaten (eat) all my tomatoes by then.

Czas Future Perfect to czas przyszły dokonany. Określa on czynności, które zakończą się, zanim rozpoczną się inne, lub przed określonym czasem, punktem w przyszłości.

Jego budowa wygląda następująco:

(+) podmiot + will + have + III forma czasownika + reszta zdania

(-) podmiot + will + not + have + III forma czasownika + reszta zdania

(?) will + podmiot + have + III forma czasownika + reszta zdania ?

Często łączy się z wyrażeniami takimi jak:

  • by - przed,
  • by the time - zanim,
  • by the end of - przed końcem,
  • by tomorrow/next week -  przed jutrem/do następnego tygodnia,