
3 * Complete the texts with the words
in the box.
broke into - burglar - chased - damaged
running away. - shoplifter - stole - vandals
Last month, police caught al
he was 2
from Computer Land
Megastore on Hanbury Road. The criminal
twenty-five memory sticks from
the store and tried to hide them in his jacket.
in Lingfield
the town
hall last night. They didn't steal anything, but
some windows.
A family in Dorchester found a?
in their house when they returned home from
holiday. When they came into the living room,
he was sleeping on their sofa! He ran out
of the house, but they 8
him and
caught him​.

Odpowiedź :

Uzupełnianie luk w tekście

Last month, police caught a shoplifter (złodzieja sklepowego) while he was running away (uciekał) from Computer Land Megastore on Hanbury Road. The criminal stole (ukradł) twenty-five memory sticks from the store and tried to hide them in his jacket.

Vandals (wandale) in Lingfield broke into (włamali się do) the town hall last night. They didn't steal anything, but they damaged (zniszczyli) some windows.

A family in Dorchester found a burglar (włamywacza) in their house when they returned home from holiday. When they came into the living room, he was sleeping on their sofa! He ran out of the house, but they chased (gonili) him and caught him​.

Zadania polegające na uzupełnianiu luk są bardzo często spotykane. Na początek zaczynamy od wytłumaczenia nieznanych słówek z ramki (tych, które są do wstawienia). Następnie czytamy tekst i staramy się pomyśleć, jakie słowo najlepiej uzupełnia lukę. Pamiętajmy, że tekst musi być spójny, logiczny i poprawny gramatycznie. Na koniec czytamy cały tekst, aby upewnić się, że wstawiliśmy słowa w odpowiednie luki.