
EGZAMIN Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij luki w zdaniach opcjami A, B lub C. Duncan 1 A from the Scottish Highlands - a historic region in Scotland. People living there are called Highlanders. They 2 mountain men, strong and proud. Duncan's family traditions 3__back to the 16th century. Duncan 4_ at some pictures in his family album at the moment. He is proud of being Scottish. He and his family love 5 Scottish songs together. At family parties, Duncan, his dad and grandpa wear the Scottish kilt made from tartan cloth, a traditional Scottish checked fabric. The men put the kilt on for special occasions, for example weddings, funerals, or for the Scottish Highland Games. Duncan enjoys 6_ patriotic Scots in their kilts during parades. It is not an everyday outfit, however. To work or to school, everyone prefers 7_ casual clothes. 1 A comes B come C coming 2 A are Bis C have got 3 A going B goes C go 4 A looking B is looking C looks 5 A singing B they're singing Csing 6 A watch B watches C watching 7 C wear A to wear B wearing likes? 15 ĆWICZENIA