
Zadanie 7. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.

Making it to the Scripps National Spelling Bee is an amazing achievement for any kid, but for 11-year-old Neil Maes, who was born deaf, this journey was especially unlikely. 7.1. _____ implants in both ears as a baby, he had to train his brain to understand spoken words. It took 7.2. _____ hours of speech therapy. Now the soft-spoken kid from Belton, South Carolina is officially one of the nation’s top young spellers. He 7.3. _____ the right to take the stage with 281 others in preliminary rounds of the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington. The only assistance Neil requires is 7.4. _____ the pronouncer to speak into a microphone that transmits an FM signal directly into his implants. It allows him to filter background noise and focus on each word.

A. To be received
B. So as to receive
C. Having received
D. Making him receive

Odpowiedź :

Uzupełnianie tekstu

W tym zadaniu należy przeczytać tekst i zaznaczyć odpowiednią odpowiedź, tak aby tekst był spójny. Pasuje tylko jedna odpowiedź.


Making it to the Scripps National Spelling Bee is an amazing achievement for any kid, but for 11-year-old Neil Maes, who was born deaf, this journey was especially unlikely. 7.1. Having received implants in both ears as a baby, he had to train his brain to understand spoken words. (...)


A. To be received

B. So as to receive

C. Having received

D. Making him receive

Skąd taka odpowiedź?

  • to be received oznaczałoby - aby otrzymać implanty w obu uszach musiał trenować swój mózg, a chcemy powiedzieć, że przez otrzymane implanty musiał trenować swój mózg, aby zrozumieć słowa
  • So as to receive również oznaczałoby "aby otrzymać"
  • Having received - będzie nadawało znaczenie "po wszczepieniu implantów, musiał trenować swój mózg"
  • Making him receive oznaczałoby "sprawiając, że otrzymał/otrzyma" co nie pasuje do kontekstu tego zdania