
Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi formami czasowników i konstrukcji:
can be able to must have to

1. In the end we ………. use all the meat we’d bought so we threw
it away.

2. She was so short she ……….. reach the door handle.

3. Despite his lack of experience he ………… get the job.

4. We ………. go yet. It’s not that late.

5. You ……… get a visa to travel to the USA.

Odpowiedź :


W zadaniu należy użyć: can, be able to, must oraz have to. Można używać przeczeń.

  1. In the end we weren't able to use all the meat we’d bought so we threw it away.
  2. She was so short she couldn't reach the door handle.
  3. Despite his lack of experience he was able to get the job.
  4. We don't have to go yet. It's not that late.
  5. You have to get a visa to travel to the USA.


  • In the end we weren't able to use all the meat we’d bought so we threw it away → jeśli mówimy o konkretnej sytuacji, w której znamy kontekst używamy 'be able to' albo 'managed to' zamiast 'could'.
  • You have to get a visa to travel to the USA → 'must' używamy jeśli mówimy o własnych przekonaniach natomiast 'have to' jeśli o zasadach narzuconych przez inne osoby.

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