
J. angielski

Napisz list do kolegi z Anglii, w którym:

- poinformujesz, że zamierzasz brać udział w zawodach sportowych

- poproś o udzielenie kilku rad jak przygotować się do zawodów

- zapytaj o doświadczenia kolegi w zawodach, w których do tej pory uczestniczył

Odpowiedź :


How are you doing? I am writing to tell you about a sport competition that I'm going to take part in. It's on the next Saturday in my school.

I'm extremely excited but I need you to help me. How do you think I should prepare for this competition? I would love to get some advice from you! I already excercise regularly but I want to get better and you told me that you won few school sport competitions a while ago.

Also could you tell me about your own experiences in sport competitions? How did they go? Did you enjoy every competition?

Write me back soon!