
2-minute talk elzbieta II i platynowy jubileusz, krotkie i tresciwe

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W tym zadaniu musimy przygotować dwuminutowe przemówienie na temat Platynowego Jubileuszu Królowej Elżbiety II.

The Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II is being celebrated in 2022 due to the 70th anniversary of her accession. It's also the first time a British monarch is celebrating is jubilee.

Queen Elizabeth's was accession was on 6 February 1952, and she is one of the longest-ruling monarch in the world's history. Now, the  Commonwealth of Nations is celebrating this event.

Buckingham Palace announced the celebrations on 10 January 2022 and Jubilee Beacons were lit in every capital city of the Commonwealth of Nations. What is more, the Royal Mint and the Royal Canadian Mint designed two special coins with portraits of the Queen. The royal family has also toured many of the Commonwealth countries to celebrate the Jubilee.

The main celebrations happened between June 2nd to June 5th. There were extra bank holidays on those days. Many countries have also used those days to plant trees in honour of the Queen.

Queen Elizabeth is not only celebrating her Platinum Jubilee, but also her 96th birthday this year. A lot of the UK's citizens hope that she's got many years of ruling ahead of her.


Platinum Jubilee - Platynowy jubileusz

anniversary - rocznica

celebrate - świętować

due to - ponieważ

accession - wstąpienie na tron

coronation - koronacja

announce - ogłosić

the British Commonwealth of Nations - Brytyjska Wspólnota Narodów

mint - mennica

rule - rządzić