
Błagam,pomocy z tym zadaniem 3 daje 100 punktów

Błagampomocy Z Tym Zadaniem 3 Daje 100 Punktów class=

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My name’s xyz ( wpisujesz swoje imie) i need to tell you something, you won’t believe what happened ! I’ve been on a trip to Oxford with my class. It was amazing, we were flying by plane. Of course I was sitting next to my best friend, that journey took eight hours. While we had a free time i was reading magazines and singing funny songs with my class. When we arrived we were really tired so the coach decided that we should rest first. Next day we visited the Ashmeloan Museum, i was shocked because it was really interesting. After the trip to the museum we had a picnic next to the river. We found out that there was a boat near by and it belonged to a local fisherman. We decided to ask him if we can lend it for a while and he agreed. It was really funny I think it was the best moment of the trip for me. The next day we had a plan to climb up to the Saint Mary’s Tower and somehow we made it to the end ! It has 127 steps so we were really tired, but it was worth it. I think that I will never forget about this journey.
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