
pomoże ktos
Przeczytaj podpowiedzi i wpisz właściwe słowo.
1 You use it to make a hole in the wall or in wood .................
2 You stick it on the wall with glue. .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3 You puy in on the wall or on wood to change the colour. ..........................
4 You climb it to reach high places. ..................
5 You keep your tools in it. ....................

Odpowiedź :


1 You use it to make a hole in the wall or in wood. - electric drill

2 You stick it on the wall with glue. wallpaper

3 You puy in on the wall or on wood to change the colour. paint

4 You climb it to reach high places. ladder

5 You keep your tools in it. toolbox
