
Zadanie 1.
W zadaniach 1.1.–1.5. wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
• Parliament should ___ a law which will allow refugees to work legally.
• What are you going to if you ___ all your exams?
• I had to learn all my lines by ___ when I was in the school drama club.
• Uncle Ben was taken to hospital last night after he’d had a ___ attack.
• Our dog ran into the street because someone had left the ___ open.
• Hurry up – our plane is now boarding at ___ 26!
• I need to ___ some research on the digestive system for a school project.
• My brother and I have to ___ the washing up as our washing machine has broken down.
• Our chemistry teacher is absent today as he is on ___ leave.
• I feel ___ - I must have eaten something that disagreed with me.

Zadanie 2.

• Being kind is ___ and parcel of being a pediatrician.
• Who played the ___ of Sherlock Holmes in the latest film adaptation?
• Caroline was going to take ___ in the singing competition, but she’s fallen ill.
• If I don’t ___ in my history project by Monday, I won’t get a good final grade.
• The teacher started to ___ out the exam papers once all the students were seated.
• Carol decided to ___ in her notice as she wanted to look for a more satisfying job.
• Mr Carter seemed strict and reserved, but he turned___ to be helpful and kind.
• Janet dropped ___ of the race when her horse stumbled and injured itself.
• My brother has been ___ of work for weeks, but he’s too lazy to look for another job.
• Bruce Willis usually plays a ___ guy who is not afraid of anyone.
• The meat is still ___ – you need to let it stew a bit longer.
• Choosing what to study is a really ___ decision to make.
• Watch out – you will ___ caught if you don’t stop cheating.
• It’s really difficult for me to ___ over my fear of heights – I’d love to climb the mountain with you, but I’m too
• You look a bit scruffy – you should ___ your hair cut.

Odpowiedź :

1. Pass
2. Heart
3. Gate
4. Do
5. Sick
2.1 part