
Uzupełnij zdania. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. 1 The food was really great. But who's going to pay the b__1? 2 Two b__t__s of water, please. 3 Could you please bring three k_i__s and two forks from the kitchen? 4 I never have time to eat b_ _k__ s_ before school. 5 Pepper, curry and all the other s___c_s are on the top shelf. 6 I like to have something sweet after dinner - some b_s__i__s or some chocolate. 7 Chips are made from _____t__o_s. Yet, they aren't healthy. 8 Do you think that the service was good enough to leave a t_______? 9 Could you r. C m d a good dessert? Which is the healthiest? 10 I go to the market to buy f____e_____h fruit and vegetables.​