
należy odpowiedzieć pełnym zdaniem i uzasadnić
1. What is your favourite city/town? Why? What can you do there?
2. Which sport would you like to try? Explain why.
3. What is the best movie you have ever seen? Talk about it.
4. Which musician or band is your favourite? Why?
5. Describe your dream house.

Odpowiedź :


1. My favourite city/town is (napisz nazwę i wybierz w zależności od wielkości city- jeżeli miasto jest duże lub town- jeżeli jest małe) because there is a lot of places to go with my friends, or family, and to meet new people. For example we can go to the cinema, to the bowling alley, to the park, or something like that.

2. I like to try a skyboarding (możesz też wziąść coś innego) . I think it must be exciting and give me a lot of adrenaline.

3. (wybierz sobie tytuł) is the best movie I've ever seen! Why? Because there we can watch great actors and actresses and one of them is my favourite- it's (imię "ulubionego/ej" aktora/aktorki). What's more I really love the scenography, scenario and music is great!

4. My favourite musician band is (nazwa zespołu). I love them, because their music is like a river which make me float away with everyone sound. And I really like the meaning of lyricses.

5. My dream house is big/small and this place must be related with my character. I'm sure that I'll have there place to spend time with my closest friends and to develop my passions.

Starałam się pisać jak najbardziej ogólnie.