
W jakich sytuacjach używamy poszczególnych czasowników modalnych? (język angielski)

proszę na teraz​

Odpowiedź :



can, could (przeszłość), be able to

I can drive a car.

He could swim when he was 5.

She was able to cook.


shall, can / could

Shall we have a pizza tonight?

Can I help you?


can/could, may/might, will/would

Could you open the window, please?

May I leave earlier today?

Will you put away the groceries?


must, have to/had to, need to, ought to

You must do it today.

I didn’t have to go to work.

I need to make a copy of your ID.

He ought to stop smoking.


can’t  mustn’t (silniejsze)

You can’t leave your car here.

You mustn’t touch the socket!


could, should, ought to

She could have helped us. (przeszłość)

They should give us more support.

They really ought to use less plastic in their products.


should, had better

You should listen to your parents.

You’d better have that car checked as soon as possible.


must, can’t

They are holding hands, so she must be her mother.

She’s too old. She can’t be her mother.


may / might / could

It may/might/could rain tonight.


can/can’t, could/couldn’t, may/might

You can smoke in here if you want.

Could I open the window?

You may leave earlier today.


must, can’t

They are holding hands, so she must be her mother.

She’s too old. She can’t be her mother.

Jakie są formy czasu przeszłego czasowników modalnych?

Czasowniki modalne mogą być używane w odniesieniu do przeszłości. Wtedy czasownik stojący po czasowniku modalnym występuje w formie Perfect Infinitive (have + 3. forma czasownika).

czasownik modalny + have + 3. forma czasownika

SHOULD + have + 3. forma czasownika

ktoś coś powinien był zrobić

It's raining cats and dogs. I should have taken an umbrella!

Jane had an accident?! You should have told me!

MAY / MIGHT + have + 3. forma czasownika

przypuszczenia / prawdopodobieństwo

– Why isn’t Jane here?

– She might/may have got lost.

CAN'T + have + 3. forma czasownika

coś nie mogło mieć miejsca, coś jest niezgodne z faktami

You can't have seen Jim. He is on holiday!

Jane can't have taken your book because she wasn't at school that day!

MUST + have + 3. forma czasownika

uważamy, że coś na pewno się wydarzyło, miało miejsce

– Where's Jane? She was supposed to be here by 4 pm!

– She must have forgotten about our meeting.

– I don't have my wallet!

– You must have left it on the bus!

NEEDN'T + have + 3. forma czasownika

coś niepotrzebnie zostało zrobione

Our fridge is full. You needn't have bought so much food!
