
Przygotuj dialog w restauracji między kelnerką [waitress] a klientem [customer], w którym wykorzystasz WSZYSTKIE słowa:
menu, allergic to, undercooked, vegetarian, a medium-rare steak, recommend, side dish, rather, complained about.

Odpowiedź :

menu, allergic to, undercooked, vegetarian, a medium-rare steak, recommend, side dish, rather, complain about

W : waitress ; C : customer ; P : paramedic

W : Good evening, sir. Can I help you?

C : Yes, please. I'd like to order two side dishes: baked beans and broccoli with noodles.

W: All right. Anything else?

C : Is there anything on the menu that you can recommend? I just would like to mention that I'm a vegetarian.

(in thought, not out loud) At least I don't have to worry that my medium-rare steak will be over or undercooked.

W : I can recommend vegetarian red curry with vegetables. It's a new addition to our menu. There's a meat sauce, but I can ask the cook to not add it for you.

C: Incredible. I'll take it. Yes, please ask him not to add it for me.

(Half an hour later)

W: Sir, here you are. Enjoy your meal.

C : Thank you very much.


C : Waiter! Waiter!

W: Yes, sir? Is something wrong?

C: I'd like to complain about my meal. It was good, but I'm not feeling very well. (coughing)

W : You don't look very well, sir. Is everything OK?

C: (coughing louder) I can't breathe. It must be an allergic reaction. (coughing) Did...did the cook add meat sauce, by any chance? That's like the only thing I'm allergic to...

I have difficulty breathing. (Puts his hand on his neck)

W: Hold on, sir! I'm calling an an ambulance!

W : 9-1-1? Hello, my name is Angela Zalewski. One of our customers is having an allergic reaction!

Not even 10 minutes later

W: Hold on there, sir. The ambulance has just arrived.

Two paramedics storm into the restaurant.

W: Over here! He's having an allergic reaction!

P : What happened?

W : He's tried meat sauce. He said he's allergic to it. He's having difficulty breathing.

P : We're taking him to the hospital immediately. He'll be given an injection in the ambulance right away.


W : Paramedics took the man to the hospital. Sooner rather than later, everything was OK again. They treated his allergic reaction.

Mam nadzieję, że wszystko jest dobrze. Nie chce mi się tego tłumaczyć.