W tym zadaniu musimy napisać e-mail o młodzieżowym turnieju tenisa.
Dear Kate,
Thank you for inviting me to the tennis tournament! As you may know, I have already taken part in it last year.
To prepare for the tournament, make sure to train regularly. It's not only about playing tennis, but also about your stamina. I would recommend going running.
Last year, I won a bronze medal, because I didn't train enough. The tournament was a lot of fun, but I was so tired afterwards! Now, I'll make sure to work on it.
Can you tell me where the competition takes place? And what time does it start? If you want, we can meet in the morning and go there together.
Write soon,
Jak napisać e-mail po angielsku?
- Dokładnie przeczytaj polecenie i pomyśl, co chcesz napisać
- Rozwiń wszystkie punkty.
- Użyj ciekawego słownictwa.
- Zakończ e-mail pozdrowieniami i podpisz się jako XYZ.