
2. Wyobraź sobie, że jest teraz koniec wakacji. Napisz akapit o tym co robiłeś/robiłaś w lipcu i w sierpniu. Zacznij od: 'I had a great summer!'​

Odpowiedź :


I had a great summer. I know It's still been summer but I'm going to school soon, which sounds to me  like the end of the summer perceived as the leisure time spent with the liked ones on beloved activities.

Anyway, in July I was biking a lot and doing some tricks to my neighbour who is a nasty person yelling at everybody getting to his apple trees closer than 2 metres away. I loved making him red in anger. Later Peter, my friend, joined to me, so we were double-powered and double-creative.

In July, I went to my aunt who is a very strict person and I felt like being in a work-camp with a guard watching me 24/7. However, I was smart enough to get some freedom thanks to offering her help with shopping and all possible out-her-property activities. With time, I got quite successful with it.

Thanks to my holidays, I've learnt a lot about human nature and how some stimuli can evoke a chain reaction. I think I've just discovered a scientist in the depth of my own personality.
