. The passive - Personal/Impersonal construction C Rewrite the sentences

2. It is said that the car has been stolen.
The car has said to been stolen.
3. It is said that the theif was wearing a red t-shirt.
The theif was said to be wearing a red t-shirt.
4. It is said that he escaped from prison yesterday.
He is said to have escaped from prison yesterday.
5. It is said that the President will win the Nobel Peace Prize this year.
The President is said to win the Nobel Peace Prize this year.
6. It is said that she has stolen the money before she resigned.
She is said to have stolen the money before she resigned.
Cześć jestem Reece i mam pochodzenie Amerykańskie. Mieszkałem w Ameryce 12 lat i umiem mówić po angielsku. Mam nadzieję że to ci pomoże :) (Amerykański angielski się trochę rozni od brytyjskiego, ale napewno z tego będzie przynajmnie 4)