Complete the text with the correct words.
I'm still a student but I have a part time job. I'm a waiter at a restaurant in my town. I take the meals from the kitchen to the customers. I like my job. I don't earn much money but it's fun. It's nice to work in a team and I like the chef a lot. He cooks great food! I have to work at the weekends so I can't go out a lot with my friends on Saturdays and Sundays. I also have to wear a blue and white uniform but that's OK! In the future, I'd like to be a journalist like my dad and work for a newspaper or an architect like my mum, and design houses. I think it's important to work when you're a student. You learn lots of things, like - it's important to arrive to work on time. Also, it's important to be happy at work. I'm happy in my job now and I hope I can be happy in the future too.
part time job - praca na część etatu
waiter - kelner
chef - szef kuchni
uniform - strój roboczy
journalist - dziennikarz
architect - architekt
design houses - projektować domy
arrive on time - przybyć na czas