Obok numeru zadania wpisz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
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Znajdź wyraz pasujący do obu zdań
1. package
The airport security found a suspicious-looking package lying near the check-in: it was wrapped in newspaper and was ticking from inside.
Going on package-holiday toured out to be a real nightmare for Watson when they had to pay extra for the flight, transfer from the airport and lunches.
2. put
We will teach you how to make fire, fish, find your way in the forest and put up a tent.
Don't forget to put your seat in an upright position when the plane takes odd and lands.
3. gap
If you want to go backpacking across Asia with me, take your gap year and let's travel together! College can wait!
Whenever I hear the 'Mind the gap' warning phrase in the underground, I know I'm back in London.
4. withdrew (withdraw)
The army withdrew from the valley when attacked by the enemy.
I have to pay by card because I withdrew too little money from the cash point.
5. single
Although she raised her kids as a single mother, they had everything under the sun.
I'm travelling alone so I need a single room.
6. headed
They headed for Spain but made a stopover in France.
I turned back and headed home – that was the only place where I wanted to be then.
7. go
If you are fed up with staying at the hotel, rent a jeep and go off the beaten track to explore the wildlife.
My customs clearance did not go smoothly as my passport was not valid.
8. get
Next time you get stuck in rush hour, remember that an average driver spends 54 hours a year in a traffic jam.
Are you going to get a lift to the station? It will save you 20 minutes.
9. break
When your car happens to break down in the middle of nowhere, pull off the side of the road to a safe spot.
If you drive with snow on the roof or splash pedestrians, you break traffic rules and regulations.
10. way
The accident was his fault: he didn't give way to the vehicle coming from his right.
Black Forest cake is absolutely delicious! By the way, this is my sister's speciality!