
Proszę o rozwiązanie 2 zadań załączonych na zdjęciach.

Proszę O Rozwiązanie 2 Zadań Załączonych Na Zdjęciach class=
Proszę O Rozwiązanie 2 Zadań Załączonych Na Zdjęciach class=

Odpowiedź :

Active and Passive Voice

Passive Voice → Active Voice

1. The injured man was taken to hospital.

  • They took the injured man to hospital.

2. He was being questioned by the police all morning.

  • Police were questioning him all the morning.

3. The damaged tablet must be replaced by the shop.

  • The shop must replace the damaged tablet.

4. I heard the children being yelled at by the teacher.

  • I heard the teacher yelling at the children.

5. Who was this delicious meal cooked by?

  • Who did cook this delicious meal?

6.  The recyclables are collected by council workers every Monday.

  • Council workers collect the recyclables every Monday.

7. Our new fridge will have been delivered by Friday.

  • We will have our new fridge delivered on Friday.

8. She saw that her flat had been burgled when she got home.

  • She saw that someone had burgled her flat when she got home.

Active Voice → Passive Voice

2. They expect him to run for mayor.

  • He is expected to run for mayor.
  • It is expected that he runs for mayor.

3. They think the robbers have left the country.

  • The robbers are thought to have left the country.
  • It is thought that the robbers have left the country.

4. They report that the minister is willing to make a statement.

  • The minister is reported to be willing to make a statement.
  • It is reported that the minister is willing to make a statement.

5. They believe the witness had been forced to lie.

  • The witness is believed to had been forced to lie.
  • It is believed that the witness had been forced to lie.

6. They know she was a karate expert when she was young.

  • She is known to be a karate expert when she was young.
  • It is known that she was a karate expert when she was young.

W stronie czynnej (Active Voice) podmiot jest wykonawcą czynności, a dopełnienie to osoba lub przedmiot, nad którą taka czynność jest wykonywana.

W stronie biernej (Passive Voice) ma miejsce odwrotna sytuacja - osoba lub rzecz nad którą wykonywana jest dana czynność, pełni funkcję podmiotu.

Tworzenie strony biernej:

  • Podmiot + "to be" + czasownik w III formie (Past Participle) + reszta zdania