Proszę o rozwiązanie 2 zadań załączonych na zdjęciach.

Active and Passive Voice
Passive Voice → Active Voice
1. The injured man was taken to hospital.
2. He was being questioned by the police all morning.
3. The damaged tablet must be replaced by the shop.
4. I heard the children being yelled at by the teacher.
5. Who was this delicious meal cooked by?
6. The recyclables are collected by council workers every Monday.
7. Our new fridge will have been delivered by Friday.
8. She saw that her flat had been burgled when she got home.
Active Voice → Passive Voice
2. They expect him to run for mayor.
3. They think the robbers have left the country.
4. They report that the minister is willing to make a statement.
5. They believe the witness had been forced to lie.
6. They know she was a karate expert when she was young.
W stronie czynnej (Active Voice) podmiot jest wykonawcą czynności, a dopełnienie to osoba lub przedmiot, nad którą taka czynność jest wykonywana.
W stronie biernej (Passive Voice) ma miejsce odwrotna sytuacja - osoba lub rzecz nad którą wykonywana jest dana czynność, pełni funkcję podmiotu.
Tworzenie strony biernej: