- I have already eaten my breakfast.
- she has never been to Milan.
- I haven't eaten eggs since I was in Moscow.
- George hasn't been here for years!
- he hasn't spoken to me for over three weeks.
- that book has been on the table for weeks.
- she hasn't had a holiday for four years.
- I have played violin since I was a little boy.
- my brother hasn't written to me for months.
- I haven't seen you since we met a year ago.
- we have lived here for the last six months.
- I have never visited this museum before.
- John has just left.
- I have had no time to tidy my room up.
- she hasn't finished her work yet.
- Bob has already told me about his difficulties.
- my mum has tried to learn English for years.
- for how long have you lived in Milan?
- have you ever been to London?
- since when has Lucy owned her car?
- for how long have your parents been married?
- for how long have you been interested in computer technology?
- for how long has Alan worn glasses?
- for how long have you been angry at each other?
- i haven't been to Spain.
- he hasn't cooked dinner.
- they haven't gone out.
- the play hasn't begun yet.
Czasu Present Perfect używamy, aby opisać czynność, która wydarzyła się w przeszłości (nie trzeba podawać kiedy została ona wykonana) i ma skutek w teraźniejszości. Używamy go też, gdy mówimy o czymś czego jeszcze nie zrobiliśmy, ale będziemy mieli taką możliwość w przyszłości.
Budowa czasu Present Perfect
- podmiot + have / has* (ewentualne przeczenie) + III forma czasownika**
* - należy pamiętać, że have zmienia się na has w zdaniach w trzeciej osobie liczby pojedynczej (he, she, it).
** - trzecia forma czasownika (past participle) to rodzaj odmiany czasownika nieregularnego. Nie obowiązuje żadna reguła odmiany, a te formy trzeba po prostu "wkuć". W internecie można znaleźć tabelki ze wszystkim wyrazami, które odmieniają się nieregularnie w trzeciej formie. Przykłady:
- eat - eaten
- have - had
- go - gone
- do - done
- begin - begun
Wyjaśnienie opracowane przez Shizuri © 05/22